botch job

botch job
Noun. 1. A makeshift construction or repair. Cf. 'bodge'.
2. A thing done badly. Cf. 'bodge'.

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • botch job — noun A job that has been botched. An alternative to botched job. He came highly recommended but looking at his work I saw immediately that it was a botch job …   Wiktionary

  • botch — 1 also botch up verb (T) informal to do something badly, because you have been careless or because you do not have the skill to do it properly: The builders really botched up our patio. botcher noun (C) 2 also botch up noun (C) informal… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • botch — botch1 [bɔtʃ US ba:tʃ] v also botch up [T] informal to do something badly, because you have been careless or because you do not have the skill to do it properly ▪ The builders really botched up our patio. ▪ a botched investigation botch 2 botch2… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Botch — There are two expressions here to botch something up or to do a botch job. They both mean that the work done was not of a high standard or was a clumsy patch. My Dad used to always tell me that workmen had botched it up and that he should have… …   The American's guide to speaking British

  • botch — vb Botch, bungle, fumble, muff, cobble mean to handle or treat awkwardly or unskillfully. Botch may imply repairing or mending, but it frequently implies a making or forming by patching or by putting together out of pieces. It consistently… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • botch — [[t]bɒ̱tʃ[/t]] botches, botching, botched 1) VERB If you botch something that you are doing, you do it badly or clumsily. [INFORMAL] [V n] It is a silly idea and he has botched it. [V ed] ...a botched job. Syn: mess up PHRASAL VERB …   English dictionary

  • botch up —    / make a botch of    If you spoil something, or make a mess of it, by doing a job badly or incorrectly, you make a botch of it or you botch it up.     Danny tried to assemble the new desk, but he made a botch of it …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • botch — botch1 botchedly /boch id lee/, adv. botcher, n. botchery, n. /boch/, v.t. 1. to spoil by poor work; bungle (often fol. by up): He botched up the job thoroughly. 2. to do or say in a bungling manner. 3. to mend or patch in a clumsy manner. n …   Universalium

  • botch — [1] A repair job which is very poorly done. [2] To do a repair job poorly …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • botch — 1. verb /bɒʧ,bɑːʧ/ a) To perform (a task) in an unacceptable or incompetent manner; to make a mess of something; to ruin; to bungle; to spoil; to …   Wiktionary

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