- chops
- Noun. The mouth.
English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.
English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.
CHOPS — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda CHOPS, cuyo nombre real es Scott Jung, es un rapero y productor asiático americano de Philadelphia. Muy conocido por sus producciones y remix en mixtapes, fundamentalmente. Contenido 1 Mountain Brothers 2 Virtuosity… … Wikipedia Español
CHOPS — is an Asian American hip hop producer and rapper. He is known for using a combination of programmed and live instruments in his work, as opposed to sampling the work of others.WorkCHOPS has produced music for:* Wu Tang Clan rapper ODB s Osirus… … Wikipedia
chops — [chäps] pl.n. 〚see CHAP1〛 1. the jaws 2. the mouth and lower cheeks ☆ 3. Slang technical skill, esp. of a jazz or rock musician * * * chops ( … Universalium
Chops — (ch[o^]ps), n. pl. [See {Chop} a jaw.] 1. The jaws; also, the fleshy parts about the mouth. [1913 Webster] 2. The sides or capes at the mouth of a river, channel, harbor, or bay; as, the chops of the English Channel. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
chops — chops; ryn·chops; … English syllables
Chops — [englisch, tʃɔps sinngemäß »Markenzeichen«], im Musikerjargon die technischen Fertigkeiten, das instrumental handwerkliche Können eines Musikers … Universal-Lexikon
chops — [ tʃaps ] noun plural INFORMAL your jaws or cheeks … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
chops — jaws, sides of the face, c.1500, perhaps a variant of chaps in the same sense, which is of unknown origin … Etymology dictionary
chops — ► PLURAL NOUN informal 1) a person s or animal s mouth, jaws, or cheeks. 2) the technical skill of a jazz or rock musician. ORIGIN of unknown origin … English terms dictionary
chops — [chäps] pl.n. [see CHAP1] 1. the jaws 2. the mouth and lower cheeks ☆ 3. Slang technical skill, esp. of a jazz or rock musician … English World dictionary
chops — /tʃɒps/ (say chops) Colloquial –plural noun 1. the jaw. 2. Jazz a. → embouchure (def. 3b). b. musical ability and technical prowess. –phrase 3. bust someone s chops, to nag, criticise or reprimand someone. 4. in the chops, in th …