
Adj. Hungry. Also spelt 'klempt'. Wigan use. Dialect

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • clemmed — adj British starving, hungry. An old term which is a survival of northern dialect (from the Middle English clemmen, meaning to pinch ). Clemmed is still heard occa sionally among older speakers (and, incidentally, in the TV soap opera Coro nation …   Contemporary slang

  • clemmed — clem «klehm», verb, clemmed, clem|ming. British Dialect. –v.t. to pinch with hunger, parch with thirst, or benumb with cold. –v.i. to suffer from hunger, thirst, or cold. Also, clam. ╂[origin uncertain. Compare Dutch and German klemmen pinch.] …   Useful english dictionary

  • clemmed — I Yorkshire Dialect Hungry II Cleveland Dialect List hungry; see clam …   English dialects glossary

  • clemmed — v. be hungry, make someone starve …   English contemporary dictionary

  • clem — I. ˈklem verb (clemmed ; clemmed ; clemming ; clems) Etymology: Middle English clemmen to pinch more at clam transitive verb dialect England …   Useful english dictionary

  • Robert Nixon (Cheshire) — Robert Nixon was a legendary prophet of Cheshire. Many accounts about him appear to be in conflict with each other.At least one account has Robert Nixon being born in c. 1467. In this account, he is the son of John Nixon during the time of Edward …   Wikipedia

  • Lancashire dialect and accent — refers to the vernacular speech in Lancashire, one of the counties of England. Simon Elmes book Talking for Britain said that Lancashire dialect is now much less common than it once was, but it is not yet extinct. The terms sometimes includes or… …   Wikipedia

  • clem — /klem/, v.t., v.i., clemmed, clemming. Brit. Dial. to starve. [1530 40; akin to ME forclemmed (ptp.) pinched with hunger, OE beclemman to fetter] * * * …   Universalium

  • clammed — Mawdesley Glossary clemmed. Starved for lack of food …   English dialects glossary

  • clemped — adj British starving, hungry. An old term which is a survival of northern dialect (from the Middle English clemmen, meaning to pinch ). Clemmed is still heard occa sionally among older speakers (and, incidentally, in the TV soap opera Coro nation …   Contemporary slang

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